ATHENA: Authors and Texts - A list of texts and documents covering philosophy, literature, history, science, and arts.
DAAD: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - General information about DAAD the German Academic Exchange Service.
German Studies Association - General information about the association and it's activities.
Goethe Institut - Information about language courses in Germany, WWW exhibitions of the Goethe Institut and seminars for teachers of German.
HyperHistory - A Historical Encyclopedia with links to relevant web sites.
H-German Hompage - The web home page of H-Germany.
H-Soz-u-Kult - The H-Soz-u-Kult website.
History Departments around the World - A list of links to History Departments around the World.
Internet Medieval Sourcebook - A long list of documents related to medieval times.
Max-Planck-Institut für Geschichte - The home page of the Max Planck institute.
On-Line Reference Book for Medieval Studies - On-Line text material for Medieval Studies.
The Institute for German History - Tel-Aviv University.
The Steinheim Institute - Duisburg University - Research of the German-Jewish relationship from enlightenment until today.
Studying in Germany - A study guide for international students.
Studying in Germany as a Disabled Student - A study guide for disabled students.