- 2014 - "Multidisciplinary Conference: The First World War - New Perspectives", Jerusalem, 10-12 November.
- 2014 - "A Century of Wars, A Century of Debates", Jerusalem, 2-3 November.
- 2014 - "German Jews in the Middle East", Jerusalem, 10-12 February
- 2013 - "The Triumph of Nazi Cinema: 1933-2013", Jerusalem, 3-4 November.
- 2013 - "Sine Ira et Studio? Personal Involvement and the Study of the Holocaust", Jerusalem, 25-27 June.
- 2013 - "Citizenship, Equality and Civil Society" - The 200th Anniversary of the Prussian Emancipation Edict for the Jews, 1812, Jerusalem, 4-6 March.
- 2012 - "National Economies (Volkswirtschaft) - Racism and Economy in Europe between the Wars (1918-1939)", The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 21-24 October.
- 2012 - "German Times - Israeli Perspectives" - Conference in Honor of Professor Moshe Zimmermann, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 18-19 June.
- 2012 - Arthur Schnitzler Month, Leo Baeck Institute Jerusalem, May 2012.
- 2012 - Jewish Sport in Germany - between Participation and Exclusion, Beit Hatfutzot, 16 January.
- 2012 - "We are Flying over Berlin" - Billy Wilder between American and Europe, The Hebrew University, 8-9 January.
- 2011 - 70 Years to the Deportation of German Jewry, Leo Baeck Institute Jerusalem, 11 October.
- 2011 - "New Research on German and Central European Zionism" - International Workshop for Doctoral Students and Postdoctoral scholars, Ben-Gurion University, 31 May - 2 June.
- 2010 - 20 Years of German Unity, in association with the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, The Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, 15 November.
- 2009 - The Fourth Annual Workshop of Young Israeli Scholars on German History, Yad Hashmona, 9 February.
- 2008 - The Third Annual Workshop of Young Israeli Scholars on German History, Benyamina, 28 April.
- 2007 - "DEFA Retrospective" displaying the East German film industry, Jerusalem, Haifa and Tel Aviv, 11 - 25 November 2007.
- 2007 - Annual International Conference - "Criminality and Madness in Modern Germany" Jerusalem, 27-28 May 2007.
- 2006 - International symposium - "Sports, Racism and Nationalism" (Invitation), Jerusalem, Mishkenot Sha'ananim, 28-29 May 2006.
- 2005 - First International (IL, PL, G) Conference - "Perceived Collective Identity in Israel, Germany and Poland" Hebrew University, Israel: 10-11 September 2005,Beit Berl College, Israel: 12-13 September 2005.
- 2005 - Brith Shalom's Central European Context: A Symposium within the framework of the 14th World Congress for Jewish Studies - Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 2 August 2005.
- 2005 - Perceptions of the Middle East Between Antisemitism and Islamophobia, In cooperation with Prof. John Bunzel of the Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP), Vienna; Beit Meyersdorf, Hebrew University Jerusalem, 29-30 May 2005.
- 2005 - Changing Memories of the War: 1945 + 60, Mishkenot Sha'ananim, 8-9 May 2005.
- 2004 - The Age of Youth: German Jewish Young Generation and Modern Time (in cooperation with the Universities of Giessen and Siegen and in the framework of SFB 434).
- 2002 - German Social History: Summing Up.
- 2002 - "Tabula Rasa" Conference organized together with the Justus Liebig University Giessenas - part of the SFB 434.
- 2001 - "Leitkultur" Conference organized together with the Goethe Institut.
- 1999 - Postwar Germany and the Gypsies.
- 1999 - "Die Berliner Republik".
- 1999 - Aspects of German-Israeli Cultural Relations. Lecture Series organized together with the Goethe Institut.
- 1998 - Zionism and Germany.
- 1998 - 1848 "Aufbruch zur Freiheit - Auch Fuer die Juden?", 5-7 September, 1998 (Symposium organized by the Juedisches Museum in Frankfurt am Main, co-sponsored by The Koebner Centre together with the Leo Baeck Institute.
- 1997 - Hannah Arendt in Jerusalem.
- 1996 - German anti-Semitism Reconsidered.
- 1995 - The Third Reich - A Review 50 Years after.
- 1994 - Rethinking Weimar.
- 1993 - German-Jewish Reconciliation - Facing the past and Looking to the Future.
- 1992 - Israeli Historians Facing Modern German History.
- 1990 -"Normal" Relations - German-Israeli Relations.
- 1989 - Das Reich und die Kreuzfahrer.
- 1988 - Frontier, Town and the Transition from Antiquity to the Middle Ages.
- 1987 - Germany's Sonderweg in History.
- 1986 - Worker's Movement as Worker's Culture.
- 1985 - Contact Areas of German-Jewish Social History (Beruehrungsfelder deutsch-juedischer Sozialgeschichte).
- 1984 - Education and Youth in Germany in the 19th and 20th Century.
- 1984 - Resistance against National Socialism.
- 1983 - Germany after 1945 - Overcoming the Trauma.
- 1981 - Crisis of German National Consciousness in the 19th and 20th Century.