Prof. emer. Steven Aschheim

Born in Johannesburg, 1942.

Academic History

Ph.D. in Modern European History,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1975-1980.
M.Sc.(Econ.) in Political Sociology,
London School of Economics and Political Science, 1964-1965.
B.A. University of Witwatersrand, 1961-1963.

Fields of Interest

European Cultural and Intellectual History.
German History.
German-Jewish History.
Modern Jewish History.

University - and Sabbatical and other - Appointments

2011 (March-April) – Visiting Israeli Scholar, Department of Religion, Trinity College, Dublin.
2010 (Summer) – Appointed Fellow at the Hamburg Institute for Social Research
2009 (September-December) - Visiting Professor, Department of History, Frankel Center of Jewish Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
2008 (0ctober) – Visiting Professor, University of Toronto, Canada
2007 (0ctober) – Appointed Director of the Franz Rosenzweig Centre Of German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History Hebrew University
2007 (September/October) – Visiting Professor at the Central European University, Budapest
2005 (September-October) – Max Kade DistinguishedVisiting Professor of German Studies, Columbia University, New York.
2002-2003 - G. L. Mosse Exchange Professorship teaching European and Jewish Cultural and Intellectual History at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, U.S.A.
2000 (Summer Semester) - Taught Jewish Cultural and Intellectual History, Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany.
1999 (November) - Appointed to the Vigevani Chair in European Studies, Hebrew University.
1998 (September) - Scholar-in-Residence, The Foundation for Jewish Studies, Washington, D.C.
1998 (August) - Appointed Full Professor, Department of History, Hebrew University.
1997-8 (second semester) - Guest Researcher, Member of "History of Emotions" Group. Institute for Advanced Studies, Jerusalem.
1995/6 - Member, School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.
1995 - Appointed Member of the Founding Editorial Board of Israel Historical Society new Journal "Historia". In charge of the "Modern History" section. Appointment until 2003.
1993 (February) - Appointed Associate Professor, Department of History, Hebrew University.
1989 (1 semester) - Visiting Associate Professor, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California.
1989 (January) - Appointed Senior Lecturer with tenure, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Department of History.
1982 - Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Department of History, Lecturer in German Cultural History.
1980-82 - Reed College (Portland, Oregon) First Florence T. May Professor of Jewish Studies.
1978 (1 semester) - University of Maryland, in Jewish History.
1976-79 - University of Wisconsin (Instructor in Integrated Liberal Arts Program).



Beyond the Border: The German-Jewish Legacy Abroad (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007).
Scholem, Arendt, Klemperer: Intimate Chronicles in Turbulent Times (The Efroymson Lectures, 1999) published in co-operation with Indiana University Press (Bloomington) and Hebrew Union College (Cincinnati) 2001. Also in Italian.
G. Scholem, H. Arendt, V. Klemperer: Tre ebrei tedeschi negli anni bui, translated by Rosanella Volponi (Firenze: Editrice La Guintina, 2001).
In Times of Crisis: Essays on European Culture, Germans and Jews (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2001).
Hannah Arendt in Jerusalem, editor, (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001) Also in Hebrew (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 2007).
Culture and Catastrophe: German and Jewish Confrontations with National Socialism and Other Crises (London and New York: Macmillan and New York University Press, 1996). 210 pp. (Hardcover and Paperback).
The Nietzsche Legacy in Germany, 1890-1990 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992). 337 pp. Paperback edition, 1994. (2nd printing) German translation: Nietzsche und die Deutschen: Karriere eines Kults, tr. Klaus Laermann (Stuttgart: Metzler, 1996). 385pp. (Sonderausgabe, February 2000). Also to appear in Hebrew (Jerusalem: Am Oved, 2003/4).
Brothers and Strangers: The East European Jew in German and German-Jewish Consciousness, 1800-1923 (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1982). 331 pp. (Paperback Edition, with a new Introduction, appeared in Fall 1999, Wisconsin Press).


"The Modern Jewish Experience and the Entangled Web of 0rientalism", (Amsterdam: Menasseh Ben Israel Institute, University of Amsterdam, 2010).
"Reflections on Insiders and Outsiders: A General Introduction", in Insiders and 0utsiders: Dilemmas of East European Jewry, edited Richard I. Cohen, Jonathan Frankel and Stefani Hoffman (0xford: Littman, 2010).
"Zionisme en de idee Europa", in Europees humanisme in fragmenten: Grammatica van eeen ongesproken taal", Nexus, Nummer 50 (2008), in Dutch.
Also to appear in English as "Zionism and the Idea of Europe", in the Festschrift for Paul Mendes-Flohr (forthcoming, Fink Verlag, 2008-9);
Also in Hungarian, "Cionzmus ès europaiság", in Múlt És Jövő (2010/1).
"Hannah Arendt á Jèrusalem" in Hannah Arendt abroad: Lectures du Monde, Tumultes (No.30), ed.Anne Kupiec, Martine Leibovici, Gèraldine Muhlmann and Ètinne Tassin (Paris: Editions Kimè, 2008); also in In Times of Crisis, op.cit.; also in Hungarian, "Hannah Arendt Jeruzsálemben", in Mult es Jovo 2, 2009).
"Spiegelbild, Projektion, Zerrbild. "0stjuden" un der jüdischen Kultur in Deutschland" in Impulse für Europa. Tradition und Moderne der Juden 0steuropas, 0steuropa 58, no's.8-10, August-0ctober 2008, pp.67-81.
Also published in English as "Reflection, Projection, Distortion: The 'Eastern Jew' in German-Jewish Culture", in Impulses for Europe: Tradition and Modernity in East European Jewry, 0steuropa, 2008
"Between Rights, Respectability and Resistance: Reframing the German-Jewish Experience", in Festschrift for Moshe Zimmerman (forthcoming)
"An Unwritten Letter from Victor Klemperer to Hannah Arendt and Gershom Scholem", in Positive Dialektik: Hoffnungsvolle Momente in der deutschen Kultur. Festschrift für Klaus L. Berghahn zum 70.Geburtstag (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2007).
“The Bonfires of Berlin: Historical and Contemporary Reflections On the Nazi Bookburnings" in Jüdische Geschichte als Allgemeine Geschichte,. Ed. Raphael Gross and Yfaat Weiss (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006).
“Reflections on Theatricality, Identity and the Modern Jewish Experience” in Jeanette Malkin and Freddie Rokem, eds., Jews and the Making of Modern German Theatre (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2010).
“Locating Nazi Evil: The Contrasting Visions of Gershom Scholem, Hannah Arendt and Victor Klemperer” in Three Generations of Historians on Germans and Jews under the Nazi Regime, ed. By Eberhardt Jaeckel and Moshe Zimmermann (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 2006)
"The Metaphysical Psychologist: 0n the Life and Letters of Gershom Scholem", Journal of Modern History (December 2004).
"Imagining the Absolute: Mapping Western Conceptions of Evil" Helmut Dubiel and Gabriel Motzkin, editors, The Lesser Evil: Moral Approaches to Genocide Practices (London: Routledge, 2004).
"Reflections on Theatricality, Identity and the Modern Jewish Experience" in Jeneatte Malkin and Freddie Rokem, eds., Jews and the Emergence of Modern German Theater (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, forthcoming).
"The Nazi Bookburnings: Historical and Contemporary Reflections", Festschrift for Dan Diner (forthcoming).
"Locating Nazi Evil: The Contrasting Visions of Gershom Scholem, Hannah Arendt and Victor Klemperer" to appear in Three Generations of Historians on Germans and Jews under the Nazi Regime, ed. By Eberhardt Jaeckel and Moshe Zimmermann (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2005).
"Introduction" to What History Tells: George L. Mosse and the Culture of Modern Europe, edited by Stanley G. Payne and David J. Sorkin, John S. Tortorice (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2003).
"Towards the Phenomenology of the Jewish Intellectual: The German and French Cases Compared" in Jewish Emancipation Reconsidered, edited by Michael Brenner, Vicky Caron and Uri R. Kaufmann [Schriftenreihe wissenschaftlicher Abhandlungen des Leo Baeck Instituts 66]. (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck Verlag, 2003).
"Comrade Klemperer: Communism, Liberalism and Jewishness in the DDR: The Later Diaries, 1945- 59", Journal of Contemporary History, (April, 2001). Also in German: Zwischen Politik und Kultur:Juden in der DDR, ed., Moshe Zuckerman. (Göttingen:Wallstein Verlag, 2002).
"Nietzsche", in Etienne Francois and Hagen Schulze, eds, Errinerungsorte (Munich: Beck Verlag, 2001).
"George Mosse and Jewish History", German Politics and Society, Volume 18, No.4, Winter 2000.
"Thinking the Nietzsche Legacy Today - A Historian's Perspective", in German Studies in the Post-Holocaust Age eds. Adrian Del Caro and Janet Ward, (Boulder: University of Colorado Press, 2001). Also in Hebrew in Historia V (February 2000).
"George Mosse at 80: A Critical Laudatio", Journal of Contemporary History 34 (no. 2, April 1999).
"On Saul Friedlander", Memory and History Volume 9 (Numbers 1/2), Fall 1997. Also in German: "Geschichte und Erinnerung: Ueber Saul Friedlander" in Susanne Duewell and Matthias Schmidt, eds., Narrative der Shoah: Repraesentationen der Vergangenheit in Historiographie, Kunst und Politik (Paderborn: Schoeningh, 2002).
"Post-Holocaust Jewish Mirrorings of Germany: Hannah Arendt and Daniel Goldhagen", Tel Aviv Jahrbuch für Deutsche Geschichte XXVI (1997).
"German History and German Jewry: Boundaries, Junctions and Interdependencies", Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook XLIII (1998). Also to be published in German in the collection of essays from the "Research Group on Jewish History and Culture in Germany of the Universities in North-Rhine-Westphalia" on "Normative 'National' and 'Minority' Jewish Culture" at the Salomon Ludiwg Steinheim Institut für deutsch-jüdishe Geschichte, the University of Duisburg, Germany (planned date, 2004).
"Brothers and Strangers Reconsidered" (Roma: Archivio Guido Izzi, 1998). Number I of the series Dialoghi, Facoltà di Lingue E Letterature Straniere: Università Degli Studi Della Tuscia, Viterbo.
"Archetypes and the German-Jewish Dialogue: Reflections Occasioned by the Goldhagen Affair", German History 15 (no. 2, 1997). Also in German as "Archetypen und der deutsch-jüdische Dialog" in: Geschichtwissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit: Der Streit um Daniel Goldhagen, ed. Johannes Heil und Rainer Erb (Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Verlag, 1998). Also in Hebrew, edited by Oded Heilbronner and Jacob Borut, in Rethinking German Anti-Semitism (Tel Aviv: Am Oved, 2000).
"Nazism, Culture and The Origins of Totalitarianism: Hannah Arendt and the Discourse of Evil", New German Critique (No. 70, Winter 1997). Also in Hebrew in the Leo Baeck Institute Series "Research Innovations in German-Jewish History (Jerusalem, 1999). Also to appear in Spanish in a series on "Violence and Radical and Banal Evil" to be published by Editorial de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (forthcoming).
"Reconceiving the Holocaust? Daniel Goldhagen's Hitler's Willing Executioners", Tikkun Volume 11, (no. 4, July-August 1996). Translated into Spanish in Federico Finchelstein, ed., Los Alemanes El Holocausto Y La Culpa Collectiva el Debate Goldhagen (Beunos Aires: Eudeba, 1999).
"Nazism and the Holocaust in Western and Israeli Discourse", in Moshe Zimmermann, ed., The Third Reich: Historical Balance-Sheet (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1999). (Hebrew).
"Nietzsche, Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust, Nietzsche and Jewish Culture", ed. Jacob Golomb (London: Routledge, 1997). In German: "Nietzsche, Antisemitimus und Rassenmord", in Jüdischer Nietzscheanismus, edited Werener Stegmaier and Daniel Krochmalnik (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter,1997). Also in German as "Nietzsche, der Antisemit- ismus und der Holocaust", in Jacob Golomb, ed., Nietzsche und die jüdische Kultur, translated by Helmut Dahmer (Vienna: WUV/Universitäts - verlag, 1998).
"Nietzsche and Nazism: Some Methodological and Historical Reflections", translation into Hebrew, in "The Restless Reich - The Second German Reich", ed. O.Heilbronner (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1997).
"Assimilation, German Culture and the 'Jewish Spirit': The Moritz Goldstein Affair" in Sander Gilman and Jack Zipes, eds., A History of Jewish Writing in Germany (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997).
"German Jews Beyond Bildung and Liberalism: The Jewish Radical Revival in the Weimar Republic". The 1993 Annual Lecture of the Samuel Braun Chair for the Study of Prussian Jewry at Bar-Ilan University. (Bar-Ilan, 1995). In Hebrew. English version in Klaus L. Berghahn ed., The German-Jewish Dialogue Reconsidered: A Symposium in Honor of George L. Mosse (New York:Peter Lang, 1996). German Version: In Revolutionen des Wissens. Von der Steinzeit bis zur Moderne, ed. Johannes Fried and Johannes Süssmann (Munich: Beck Verlag, 2001).
"Small Forays, Grand Theories and Deep Origins: Reflections on Current Holocaust Historiography", Studies in Contemporary Jewry Vol. 10 (1994).
"World War I, Weimar Culture and the Cult of the Ostjuden" (Hebrew), Weimar and the Jews: Society and the Crisis of Modernity (Yehudei Weimar: Chevra B'Mashber Ha'moderniut, 1918-1933) (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1994).
"Max Nordau, Friedrich Nietzsche and Degeneration", Max Nordau (Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 28 (1993). Also published in French as "Max Nordau, Friedrich Nietzsche et Dégénérescence" in Max Nordau 1849-1923 edited by Delphine Bechtel, Dominique Bourel, Jacques Le Rider (Paris: Les editions du Cerf, 1996).
"Leaders and Masses: Fin-de-Siecle Elitist Theory, 1890-1914", Leadership [in Hebrew] (Open University, forthcoming).
"Nietzsche and the Nietzschean Moment in German Jewish Life (1890-1939)", in Leo Baeck Institute Year Book XXXVII (1992) Also in Hebrew in Jacob Golomb, ed., Nietzsche, Zionism and Hebrew Culture (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 2002).
"Nietzsche and the German Radical Right, 1914-1933", in The Intellectual Revolt against Liberal Democracy, 1890-1945 (Jerusalem: Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 1996). Also published in French: "Nietzsche et la droite radicale allemande, 1914-1933" in Zeev Sternhell, ed., L'Eternel Retour: Contre la democratie l'ideologie de la decadence (Paris: Presses De La Fondation Nationale Des Sciences Politiques, 1994). pp.73-96. Also published in Portuguese: "Nietzsche e a direita radical alema - 1914-1933" Risco, no. 17/18, 1992. pp.73-87].
"Nietzsche and National Socialism", Michael XIII (1993).
"Between East and West: Reflections on Migration and the Making of German-Jewish Identity, 1800-1880", Studia Rosenthaliana Volume XXIII, 2 (Fall 1989), Special Issue.
"The German-Jewish Legacy beyond America: A South African Example" in The German-Jewish Legacy in America, 1938-1988: A Symposium in American Jewish Archives XL (Number 2, November 1988). Also published in book form as The German-Jewish Legacy in America 1938-1988: From "Bildung" to the Bill of Rights, edited and introduced by Abraham J. Peck (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1988).
"Between Irrationality and Irrationalism: George Mosse, the Holocaust and European Cultural History", Simon Wiesenthal Centre Annual 5(1988).
"History, Politics and National Memory: The German Historikerstreit", Survey of Jewish Affairs (1988).
"After the Death of God: Varieties of Nietzschean Religion", Nietzsche-Studien 17 (1988).
"Nazism, Normalcy and the German Sonderweg", Studies in Contemporary Jewry IV (1987). Translated in Hebrew in M. Zimmerman, ed., Darkah Ha'me'uchedet shel Germania be'Historia (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1989).
"Nietzschean Socialism - Left and Right (1890-1933)", The Journal of Contemporary History 23 (no. 2, April 1988).
"George Mosse - The Man and the Work", George Mosse: On the Occasion of his Retirement (Jerusalem: Koebner Chair of German History, Hebrew University, 1986).
"Zarathustra in the Trenches: The Nietzsche Myth and World War I", in Religion, Ideology and Nationalism in Europe and America (Jerusalem: The Historical Society of Israel, 1986).
"'The Jew Within': The Myth of 'Judaization' in Germany", in J. Reinharz and W. Schatzberg, eds., The Jewish Response to German Culture (Hanover and London: University Press of New England, 1985). (Paperback, 1991). Also to appear in Hebrew in the Festschrift for Professor Zvi Bachrach, New Approaches in the Study of Modern Antisemitism (forthcoming 2003).
"The East European Jew and German Jewish Identity", Studies in Contemporary Jewry I (1984).
"Eastern Jews, German Jews and Germany's World War I Ostpolitik", Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook XXVIII (1983).
"The Double Exile: Weimar Culture and the East European Jews", in M. Dobkowski and I. Wallimann,eds., Towards the Holocaust: Anti-Semitism and Fascism in Weimar Germany (Westport: Greenwood Press, 1983).
"Caftan and Cravat: The Ostjude as a Cultural Symbol in the Development of German Anti-Semitism", in S. Drescher, D. Sabean, A. Sharlin, eds, Political Symbolism in Modern Europe (New Brunswick: Transaction Books, 1982). Also to appear in Hebrew in a volume on Israeli Approaches to Antisemitism.
"From Myth to Counter-Myth: The Romanticization of the Eastern Jew (1880- 1914)", Immigrants and Minorities I (no. 3, November 1982).
"The Communal Organization of South African Jewry", The Jewish Journal of Sociology 12 (no. 2, 1970).
Books Reviews
"The Frankfurt School in Exile", Central European History (forthcoming March-June 2011).
"Between New York and Jerusalem", Hannah Arendt/Gershom Scholem, Der Briefwechsel The Jewish Review of Books, Winter 2011 (forthcoming), pp.5-8. Mittelweg 36 (in German), forthcoming
"Athens to Jerusalem", Review of Benjamin Lazier, "God Interrupted: Heresy and the European Imagination between the World Wars" and Ernst Bertram, "Nietzsche: Attempt at a Mythology", Times Literary Supplement (January 22, 2010, No.5573), pp. 22-23.
"Bold ones", review of Pierre Birnbaum, Geography of Hope: Exile, the Enlightenment, Disassimilation, Times Literary Supplement (November 14, 2008, No. 5511).
"The Apocalyptic Man: The Diaries of Gershom Scholem", Ha'aretz, English Book Review Magazine (July 4, 2008).
"A People Apart: Hannah Arendt and the Modern Jewish Experience", Review of Elisabeth Young-Bruehl, Why Arendt Matters and Hannah Arendt, The Jewish Writings Times Literary Supplement (September 28, 2007, No.5452).
Review of Boaz Neumann, Being in the Weimar Republic (Hebrew), Ha'aretz, S'farim (0ctober 17, 2007); in English, Ha'aretz (November 9, 2007), B8.
"Jolly Jargon", Review of Marline Otte, Jewish Identities in German Popular Entertainment, 1890-1933, Times Literary Supplement (23 February, 2007).
"The good German: Wilm Hosenfeld's Complicity and conscience", Review of Wilm Hosenfeld, "Ich versuche jeden zu retten", Times Literary Supplement (March 11, 2005, No.5319).
Hans Jonas, Erinnerungen, Times Literary Supplement (July 2, 2004, No.5283).
"The Lost Tycoon: Ha'aretz is his monument", Anthony David, The Patron: A Life of Salman Schocken (1877-1959), Times Literary Supplement (February 27, 2004, No.5265).
Richard Wolin, Heidegger's Children: Hannah Arendt, Karl Löwith, Hans Jonas and Herbert Marcuse, Journal of Modern History (Vol.75, Number 4, December 2003), pp.933-935.
Review of the Journal of Genocide Research, in Times Literary Supplement (November 9, 2001, No.5145).
"Don't Pick the Flowers: Michael Burleigh's Third Reich", in Times Literary Supplement (March 9, 2001, No.5110).
Geoffrey Hartman, ed., Bitburg in Moral and Political Perspective in Patterns of Prejudice 22 (no.1, 1988).
Werner E.Mosse, et al., Revolution and Evolution: 1848 in German-Jewish History and W.Grab, et al, Juden im Vormaerz und in der Revolution von 1848 in Studies in Contemporary Jewry II (1986).
Jehuda Reinharz, Dokumente zur Geschichte des deutschen Zionismus 1881-1933 in Association of Jewish Studies Newsletter (no.33, Winter 1983).
Rainer C.Baum, The Holocaust and the German Elite: Genocide and National Suicide in Germany, 1871-1945, The American Historical Review 87 (no.4, October 1982).
Interview for "Habitus: A Journal of the Diaspora (2010)
Interview of Hans-Ulrich Wehler with Shulamit Volkov, Historia, 23 May 2009, (Hebrew)
Interview for "Ideally Speaking: South African Jews and their Moral Dilemmas", Edited by Stephen Hellman and Lindsey Talmud (forthcoming)
Participant in International Symposium on “The Past and Future of Social History in Germany” in Historia 14 (2004; Hebrew)
Participant in International Symposium on "The Past and Future of Social History in Germany" in Historia (forthcoming; Hebrew, 2003).
"Fifty Years of The Origins of Totalitarianism: The Book and Me", Hannah Arendt Newsletter (No. 5, November 2001)
"Foreword" to Milton Shain, The Roots of Antisemitism in South Africa (Charlottesville and London: University Press of Virginia, 1994).

Fellowships, Board Memberships, Academic activities and Awards

2010 (July-August) – Appointed Fellow at the Hamburg Institut fuer Sozialforschung.
2010 (January 28-29th) – Member of Dissertation Defence Committee at the European University Institute, Florence, Italy. Dissertation, Liisi Keedus, "0mitted Encounters: "The Early Political Thought of Hannah Arendt and Leo Strauss".
2009 – Appointed to Editorial Board of Bemidbar: Journal for Jewish Thought and Philosophy.
2007 (0ctober) - Appointed to Editorial Board of Naharaim, Journal of German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History.
2007 (0ctober) – Appointed Director of the Franz Rosenzweig Research Centre for German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History, Hebrew University.
2006 – Member of 0rganizing Committee of 2007 International Conference on Hannah Arendt, "The Human Condition", to be held at Bar Ilan University, January 2007.
2005 – Appointed Member of the Advisory Board of Transversal.
2005 – Appointed Member of the Development Committee, Faculty of Humanities, Hebrew University.
2004 (0ctober) – Appointed Member of the Editorial Board of The Journal of Contemporary History.
2004 (July) – Appointed to the Academic Advisory Board of the "Amirim" Programme at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
2003 (December) - Appointed Member of Advisory Board of Jewish Studies Quarterly.
2004 - Co-Chair of Planning Committee for International Conference on "At the Cutting Edge: Rethinking German and Jewish Cultural and Intellectual History" (Elmau, July 16-18).
2003/4 - Running the "Vatat" Fellows Seminar, Hebrew University.
2003/4 - Research Fellow at the Nevzlin Center of Research on Russian and East European Jewry, Hebrew University. Research Seminar on "Empires and Nations".
2003 (February) - Appointed Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Mosse Program Publication Series, University of Wisconsin Press.
2002 - Chairman of Organizing Committee of Leo Baeck Institute, Jerusalem, International Conference on "Gender and Jewish Fate", December 7-9.
2001 (February) - Appointed Member of the International Academic Committee of Paidea, The European Institute of Jewish Studies, Sweden.
1999 (September) - Appointed Permanent Member of the International Steering Committee of the George L. Mosse Exchange Program in History (Madison, Wisconsin - Jerusalem).
1999 (March) - Appointed Member of the International Beirat of the Franz Rosenzweig Centre, Hebrew University.
1999 (January) - Appointed Chair of the Advisory Committee (representing the Leo Baeck Institute) for the publication in English of the Gershom Scholem Letters by Harvard University Press.
1998 (August) - Appointed Corresponding Editor of the Hannah Arendt Newsletter (a project of the Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Hannover University and the New School for Social Research, New York).
1998 (May) - Appointed Member of the Academic Committee of the Dinur Institute for Research in Jewish History.
1997 (October) - Appointed Editor of Leo Baeck Institute Jerusalem Series of Publications on "German-Jewish Intellectuals and German Culture".
1997 (January) - Appointed Member of the Academic Advisory Board of the Franz Rosenzweig Centre, Hebrew University.
1997(January) - Elected Member of the Executive Board, Leo Baeck Institute, Jerusalem.
1995-6 Member of School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.
1996 - Historical Adviser on Multi-Media Project, Yad Vashem.
1995 - Advisory Committee on Planning for the Diaspora Museum, Tel Aviv.
1995 - Appointed Member of the Founding Editorial Board of Israel Historical Society new Journal "Historia" (responsible for the Modern History section).
1993 - Appointed Member of the Governing Council of the Jerusalem Leo Baeck Institute.
Research Fellow and Guest of the Max Planck Institut für Geschichte, Göettingen (October-November 1988).
Research Fellow and Guest of the Historische Kommission zu Berlin (Summer 1985).
Appointed Member of the Advisory Board of the Anti-Defamation League (New York) International Center for Holocaust Studies (1985).
University of Wisconsin - Genevieve Gorst Herfurth Award for Outstanding Research in the Social Sciences (1983).
One of three final nominees for the American Jewish National Book Award in the "Scholarship" Category (1983) for Brothers and Strangers.
Awarded Mark H. Ingraham Book Prize of the University of Wisconsin Press for Brothers and Strangers (1982).
Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture Grants (1979/80; 1976/77).
E.B.Fred Fellow at the University of Wisconsin (1977 and 1976).

Professional Conferences, Papers, Lectures, Etc.

2011 – 0ctober. Proposed Lecture Tour in Chile on Fascism; the Holocaust; Hannah Arendt.
2011 – (September 8-11) – Paper on "Zionism and Europe", International Conference on "Margins, Borders and Peripheries in Modern European- Jewish Literature", University of Antwerp.
2011 – (June 27-29) – Conference on "German-Jewish Intellectuals in Post-War Germany". Proposed Paper: "The German-Jewish Intellectual who Never Left: The Post-War Victor Klemperer Between Communism, Liberalism and Jewishness" Elmau, Germany.
2011 – (July 1-2) Paper on "The Politics of Empathy" at the International Conference on "Empathy and the Blocking of Empathy", Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin.
2010 (November 8) – Eberhard L. Faber Class of 1915 Memorial Lecture "The Modern Jewish Experience and the Entangled Web of 0rientalism".
2010 (May 10th) - Seminar on "Youth, Youth Movements and Youth Revolt, 1890-1914" (German Department, University of Antwerp).
2010 (May 6) – Lecture on "Envisaging Nazi Evil", Institute of Jewish Studies, Antwerp.

2010 (May 3rd) – Lecture on Hannah Arendt (tba) at the University of Virginia.
2010 (May 1) – Lecture on "An Unwritten Letter from Victor Klemperer to Hannah Arendt and Gershom Scholem", Columbia University. Conference in Honor of Anson Rabinbach's 65th Birthday.
2010 (April 12) – Public Lecture on "The Modern Jewish Experience and the Entangled Web of 0rientalism", Menasseh ben Israel Institute, Amsterdam.
2010 (April 8-9) – Lecture on "Weimar German-Jewish Icons Beyond the Border" In Workshop on Weimar Reception at the Institut fuer Geschichte der Deutschen Juden, Hamburg.
2010 (March 10) – Lecture on "The 0rigins of Totalitarianism – A Foundational and Problematic Work", at a Conference in Honor of the translation into Hebrew of "The 0rigins of Totalitarianism", Tel Aviv University.
2009 (November 22) – Lecture –Seminar (topic TBA), Jewish Studies, Duke University, North Carolina.
2009 (0ctober 23d) – Public Lecture on "Locating Nazi Evil: The Contrasting Visions of Gershom Scholem, Hannah Arendt and Victor Klemperer", University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (Frankel Center).
2009 (0ctober 15th-18th) – Lecture on "Locating Nazi Evil: The Contrasting Visions of Gershom Scholem, Hannah Arendt and Victor Klemperer", University of Vermont, Burlington.
2009 (May 17-19) – Lecture and Roundtable at International Conference on "Bund And Borders: German Jewish Thinking between Faith and Power", Jewish Museum, Berlin.
2008 ( December 7) – Keynote Lecture, "The 21st Century Iconisation of (Certain) Weimar German-Jewish Intellectuals" at International Conference on "'Spuren der Schrift': Israelische Perspektiven einter Internationalen Germanistik" (In memoriam Stephane Moses), Hebrew University.
2008 (27-28 November), Lecture on "Ecce Homo: Reactions to a Dionysian Autobiography" at International Conference on "Nietzsche's Ecce Homo: A Centenary Conference", Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies, University of London. (Constrained to cancel participation).
2008 (0ctober 24-26) – Lecture on "Between the Critique of Liberalism and the Theological Impulse: Iconising the Weimar German-Jewish Intellectuals", International Conference on "The Weimar Moment: Liberalism, Political Theology, and Law", University of Wisconsin, Madison.
2008 (0ctober 23) – The Paul J. Schrag Lecture, "Biography, Fathers and Exile: German and Jewish Tensions and the Writing of History", University of Wisconsin, Madison.
2008 (September 22-23) – Paper on "Ostjuden in German and German-Jewish Culture, 1800-1933" at International Conference on "Der Beitrag der Osteuropaeischen Juden zur Geschichte Europas", Berlin.

2008 (June 14) – International Nexus Conference, "Identity, Please!", Amsterdam.
2008 (May 22nd) – Evening devoted to Beyond the Border: The German-Jewish Legacy Abroad. Discussion with Professor Shulamit Volkov, Leo Baeck Institute, Jerusalem.
2008 (May 13-15) – Lecture on "Exile and the Making of German-Jewish Cultural History", International Conference on the 0ccasion of Prof. Zvi Bachrach's 80th Birthday, on "Tolerance and Intolerance in Western Societies", Bar Ilan University.
2008 (April 28) – Panelist on "German History in Israel Today". Annual Conference Of Israeli German History Doctoral Students.
2007 (December 19-20) Lessons and Legacies International Conference on the Holocaust Panel on "The State of Holocaust Research in Israel: Different Perspectives", Yad Vashem.
2007 (May 21) – Herbert Straus Memorial Lecture at University College, London on "Icons Beyond the Border: Why do we Love (Hate) Theodor Adorno, Hannah Arendt, Walter Benjamin, Franz Rosenzweig, Gerhsom Scholem and Leo Strauss?"
2007 (May 22) – Lecture at the University of Sussex, "Locating Nazi Evil: The Contrasting Visions of Gershom Scholem, Hannah Arendt and Victor Klemperer".
2007 (March 20) – Symposium on Gershom Scholem. Talk on "Gershom Scholem: The Canonization of an Intellectual". Israel Academy of Arts and Sciences.
2006 (December 26-28) – "Concluding Remarks" at Conference on "Jacob Talmon and Totalitarianism Today: Legacy and Revision", Israel Academy of Arts and Sciences.
2006 (December 21) – Festive 200th Centenary Lecture for Gabriel Riesser, Heidelberg Hochschule for Jewish Studies on "Between Riesser's Rights, Respectability and Resistance: Reframing the German-Jewish Experience".
2006 (November 2-5) – International Conference on Hannah Arendt, "Political Thought in the 21st Century"., at the Centrum Judaicum and Willy Brandt-Haus, Berlin. Paper on "Hannah Arendt, Jewishness and the Ambiguous Cultural and Political Legacy of Weimar".
2006 – May 19-22 – Conference on "Myth" at Paidea, European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden (Stockholm). Lecture on "Fin-de-Siecle Europe, Myth and the Remaking of the Jewish Self".
2005 (December 1) – Annual Simon Dubnow Lecture at the Simon Dubnow Institute, University of Leipzig. "Locating Nazi Evil: The Contrasting Visions of Gershom Scholem, Hannah Arendt and Victor Klemperer."
2005 (November 29) – Lecture on "Bildung in Palestine: Zionism, Bi-Nationalism And the Strains of German-Jewish Humanism", at International Conference on "The Nation-State and 0ther Political Traditions of the Jewish People", Tel Aviv University.
2005 (November 17) – George L. Mosse Lecture at the Humboldt
University, Berlin. "George L. Mosse: A Life in History".
2005 (October 20) – Lecture on "Icons Beyond the Border: The German-Jewish Intellectual Legacy at the Beginning of the Twenty First Century". Princeton University (Program of Judaic Studies, Council of Humanities, Department of History, Program in European Cultural Studies, Department of German).
2005 (October 10) – Faculty Seminar on "Bildung in Palestine: Zionism, Binationalism and the Strains of German-Jewish Humanism". University of California, Lost Angeles.
2005 (0ctober 6th) – Lecture at the University of California, San Diego, "Locating Nazi Evil: The Contrasting Visions of Gershom Scholem, Hannah Arendt and Victor Klemperer".
2005 (September 28) – University Seminar in Israel and Jewish Studies Lecture on: "Bildung in Palestine: Zionism, Bi-Nationalism and the Strains of German-Jewish Humanism". Columbia University, New York.
2005 (September 26) – International Symposium on "The Holocaust and Tensions of Historical Interpretation", University of Toronto, Canada. Lecture on the case of German History.
2005 (September 27) – Schwartz Lecture for Jewish Studies, University of Toronto, Canada. "The German-Jewish Intellectual Legacy at the Beginning of the Twenty First Century".
2005 (September 15) – Lecture at Deutsches Haus, Columbia University, New York on "Locating Nazi Evil: The Contrasting Visions of
Gershom Scholem, Hannah Arendt and Victor Klemperer."
2005 (23-25 May) – International Conference in Honour of Professor Ze'ev Sternhell on "How and Why Democracies Fail". Paper on: "Failed Democracy and Genocide: German and Jewish Tensions of Interpretation."
2005 (May 15-18) - International Conference on "German Jewry: Memories of the Past: Visions of the Future", Jerusalem, Leo Baeck Institute 50th Anniversary. Keynote Address (Tentative Title): "Why have the German-Jewish Intellectuals become Cultural Heroes?"
2004 (November 21-24) - International Conference on "Holocaust Research in Context: The Emergence of Centres and Approaches" at Yad Vashem Research Institute, Jerusalem. Paper on : "Weimar in New York: The German Exile Historians and Nazi and Holocaust Research.
2004 (November 19-21) - International Workshop on "Germany after the Dictatorships: Totalitarianism and its Consequences" at Stanford University, Department of German Studies. Paper on: "The Emigre Scholars, German History and the Entrapments of 'Totalitarianism'".
2004 (October 4,5,11) - "Beyond the Borders: The Transplantation of the German-Jewish Intellectual Legacy" (tentative title). The Pell Lectures, University of California, Berkeley.
2004 (October 10) - "Writers and Scholars Program" at the Institute for Judaic Studies, Portland, Oregon. Lecture topic to be decided.
2004 (July 16-18) - "Beyond Klezmer: The East European Jewish Legacy Today". Opening Address: "Before Virtuality: The Cult of the Ostjuden in Germany, 1870-1933". Schloss Elmau.
2004 (July 12-14) - Conference on "At the Cutting Edge Rethinking German and Jewish Cultural and Intellectual History" at Schloss Elmau. Organizer and Moderator.
2004 (May 16-17) - International Conference on "The Age of Youth: German-Jewish Generations and Modern Times". Opening Panel.
2004 (February 16-18) - Leo Baeck Arbeitgemeinschaft Meeting of Doctoral Students, Schloss Elmau. Lecture on "Social History and Cultural History: Biography, Belonging and Exile" (Tentative Title).
2004 (February 12) - "Locating Nazi Evil: The Contrasting Visions of Gershom Scholem, Hannah Arendt and Victor Klemperer". Lecture at the University of Munich.
2004 (January 4) - Lecture on "History As Vocation: Tensions, Possibilities and Dilemmas" at Conference on "History as Vocation", Proceedings on the Occasion of Moshe Zimmermann's 60th Birthday, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
2003 (September 22) - Lecture on "The Nazi Book-Burnings, 70 Years After: Why They Happened Then - And Matter Now", Paideia European Institute for Jewish Studies, Stockholm.
2003 (September 15-18) - International Conference on "Judaism as Science - Science as Judaism: Development and Concepts of Historical Thinking" at the Jewish Museum, Berlin. Paper on "The Post-1945 German-Jewish Dialogue and the Tensions and Possibilities of Historical Wissenschaft".
2003 (September 11) - "Locating Nazi Evil: The Contrasting Visions of Gershom Scholem, Arendt and Victor Klemperer". Leo Baeck Institute, the Wiener Library, University of Sussex Jewish Studies, London.
2003 (April 4-5) - Participant in Conference on "Nazi Germany and the Humanities", The Program in European Cultural Studies, Princeton University.
2003 (April 3) - Lecture for European Studies and Jewish Studies, Princeton University, "Theatricality, Identity and the Modern Jewish Experience".
2003 (April 2) - Lecture for History Colloquium at Boston University on "Comrade Klemperer: Communism, Liberalism and Jewishness in the DDR".
2003 (April 1) - The Annual Nahum Glatzer Lecture at the Jewish Studies Program, Boston University: "Gershom Scholem and the Creation of Jewish Self-Certitude".
2003 (March 13) - Lecture on "The Bonfires of Berlin: How it Happened Then - Why it Matters Now" in Panel on "Words on Fire", Boston Public Library.
2003 (February 18) - Lecture on "The Nazi Book-Burnings", Institute of Humanities, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
2003 (February 6) - "Reflections on the Relationship between Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust" Lecture for Jewish Studies, Memphis, University of Tennessee.
2002 (December 1-3) - Conference on "Confusions: Anti-Semitism, Anti-Islam, Anti-Zionism", at New York University. Participant in the panel: "Universal 'Evil' and the Modes of Victimhood: Holocaust, Colonialism and the Memory of Suffering".
2002 (November 4) - Special Lecture for the University of Toronto, Munk Centre for International Studies, "Locating Nazi Evil: The Contrasting Visions of Gershom Scholem, Hannah Arendt and Victor Klemperer".
2002 (June 30) - International Colloqium on "Human Rights, Holocaust and Global Memory", Schloss Elmau. Panel participant.
2002 (19-21 May) - International Conference in Honour of Professor Otto Dov Kulka, "Jews under Nazism", Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Paper on "3 German-Jewish Intellectuals Locate Nazi Evil: Scholem, Arendt, Klemperer".
2002 (10-12 May) - International Workshop on "The relationship between General and Jewish History", Simon Dubnow Institute, University of Leipzig. [Invited but unable to attend.]
2002 (5-7 April) - Conference on "The Third Reich", Schloss Elmau. "Voelkisch Ideology and Nietzschean Paganism". [Invited but unable to attend.]
2002 (10-12 March) - International Conference on "Reflections on Europe's Century of Discontent: Confronting Fascism, Nazism and Communism". (Institute of European Studies, Hebrew University, Jerusalem). Paper: "Victor Klemperer's Century of Liberal Discontent: Confronting Nazism and Communism".
2002 (January 2-4) - Keynote speaker at an International Conference on "Jews and the Emergence of Modern German Theatre", Franz Rosenzweig Research Centre and The Goethe Institute, Hebrew University Jerusalem. Paper: "Reflections on Theatricality, Identity and the Modern Jewish Experience".
2001 (December 16-17) - Keynote speaker at the First Workshop-Symposium of the "Research Group on Jewish History and Culture in Germany of the Universities in North-Rhine-Westphalia" on "Normative 'National' and 'Minority' Jewish Culture" at the Salomon Ludiwg Steinheim Institut für deutsch-jüdishe Geschichte, the University of Duisburg, Germany. [Invited but unable to attend.]
2001 (December 2, 2001) - International Symposium on "The End of Social History in Germany", Koebner Centre for German History, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
2001 (November 9-11) - International Conference on "Communism and the Jews" at the Simon Dubnow Institute, University of Leipzig. Paper on "Comrade Klemperer: Communism, Liberalism and Jewishness in the DDR. The Later Diaries 1945- 1949".
2001 (September 7-9) - International Conference on "The Work and Legacy of George L. Mosse", Madison, Wisconsin. Conference Summation.
2001 (September 3-4) - Opening Conference of Paidea, European Institute of Jewish Studies, Stockholm. Paper on "Insiders and Outsiders: Hannah Arendt in Jerusalem".
2001 (July 15-18) - International Conference on "Jews and Cosmopolitanism", Paper on "Between Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism: Three Alternative German-Jewish Paths. Gershom Scholem, Hannah Arendt, Victor Klemperer" Schloss Elmau.
2001 (May 9-11) - International Conference on "Two Paths of Emanicpation? The German and French Jewish Models Reconsidered", Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, Germany. Paper on "Is There a Common Genealogy and Phenomenology of the Jewish Intellectual? Germany and France Compared."
2001 (April 27-29) - International Conference "Hermann Broch: Visionary in Exile" at Yale University. Paper on "Hermann Broch, Nazism and the German-Jewish Dialogue - Then and Now". [Invited but unable to attend].
2001 (April 6) - Lecture on "Victor Klemperer and the Shock of Multiple Identities", European Studies Faculty Seminar, Princeton University.
2001 (April 4) - The George L. Mosse Annual Memorial Lecture: "George Mosse: The Man, the Work,the Legacy", Leo Baeck Institute, Centre for Jewish History, New York.
2001 (April 1-3) - International Conference on "The Lesser Evil: The Moral Comparison between Nazism and Communism and its Postwar Implications". New York University. Paper on "Imaging the Absolute: Mapping Western Conceptions of Evil".
2001 (February) - Conference on Historiography Memory, University of Bonn, Germany. [Invited but unable to attend.]
2001 (January 17) - University of Haifa, International Workshop on Holocaust Research, Paper on "Victor Klemperer and the Shock of. Multiple Identities".
2000 (November 22-23) - International Conference co-sponsored by Tel Aviv University Institute of German History, and the Franz Rosenzweig Centre of German-Jewish Culture, Hebrew University, Jerusalem on : "Between Politics and Culture: Jews in the GDR". Talk on "Comrade Klemperer: Communism, Liberalism and Jewishness. The Later Diaries, 1945-1959".
2000 (July 24-26) - International Conference on "Humanism after Nietzsche" at Schloss Elmau Lecture on "Nietzsche and National Socialism".
2000 (June 23) - Address to the German-American Fulbright Commission, summer seminar: "History and Memory: Jewish Past and Present in Germany".
2000 (April 30) - Address at the Annual Conference of the German Society of Friends of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem on "The German-Jewish Dialogue", Frankfurt.
2000 (March 20-21) - Participant in the Tel Aviv Institute for German History workshop between German and Israeli Historians on the topic "Von Nationalsozialismus zur Bundesrepublik: Verdraengung und Erfolg?" Paper on "The Post-War German-Jewish Dialog in Embryo: The Case of Hermann Broch and Volkmar von Zuehlsdorff".
2000 (February 28-March 1) - Respondent at International Conference on "Patterns of Political Discourse: Propaganda, Incitement and Freedom of Speech", Organized by the Yitzchak Rabin Center for Israel Studies. Session on "Hate Speech, Politics and History".
1999 (December 13-15) - Invited to Conference on "Holocaust Research and Holocaust Studies in the 21st Century" to be held at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, D.C. [Unable to attend].
1999 (December 5) - Paper on "Writing German-Jewish History in Israel", Richard Koebner Centre for German History and Leo Baeck Institute Workshop on "German-Jewish History", Jerusalem.
1999 (October 30-31) - Lecture on "Victor Klemperer under National Socialism" in Conference on "National Socialism and the Final Solution: Colloquium in Honor of Eberhard Jaeckel's 70th Birthday", The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
1999 (October 18-19) - Lecture on "Gershom Scholem - The Letters and Diaries" at Workshop on German-Jewish History, University of Indiana, Bloomington, Indiana.
1999 (October 11-15) - Delivered the Efroymson Memorial Lectures on "Public Matters and Intimate Chronicles: Three 20th Century German-Jewish Intellectuals in Dark Times", Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, Ohio. (Published as a book in co-operation with the HUC-JIR Press).
1999 (October 3-10) - Delivered the Henrietta Harvey Distinguished Lecture at St. Johns University, Newfoundland, Canada. "Nazism and the Holocaust in Contemporary Discourse".
1999 (October 1) - "Memorial Symposium - George Mosse", Center for European Studies, Harvard University, Boston. Paper on "George Mosse and Jewish History".
1999 (June 27-1st July) - 20th G.I.F. Meeting: "History and Culture of Germany Jewry", Schloss Elmau, Germany. Lecture on "Thinking about New Directions in German-Jewish Intellectual and Cultural History". [Invited but unable to attend.]
1999 (June 22) - Conference on "Intellectuals and the Weimar Republic", Bar-Ilan University. Paper on "Social Science, Jewish Intellectuals and Weimar Radical Theory."
1999 (April 13) - Lecture on "Hannah Arendt, Israel and the Eichmann Trial" at the showing on Holocaust Day of the film "The Specialist" at the Cinematheque, Tel Aviv.
1999 (March 7) - Discussant at International Conference on "Wars, Revolution and Generational Identity", Yitzchak Rabin Center, Tel Aviv.
1999 (March 4) - "Between-Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism: George L. Mosse - In memoriam", Laudatio on "George L. Mosse: The Man and the Work", The Israeli Academy of Sciences, Jerusalem.
1999 (January) - Deutsche Bank Lecture Series "Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft", "The Weimar Jewish Revival: Beyond Bildung and Liberalism", at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main.
1998 (October 6) - "The Annual Lazeroff Lecture" on "Hannah Arendt and Daniel Goldhagen: Archetypes, Contesting Models and Radical Paradigms", Ohio University, Athens, Ohio.
1998 (October 5) - "Rethinking German History and German Jewry", Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
1998(October 1) - Lecture on "Beyond Liberalism: The Jewish Radical Revival in the Weimar Republic", at the New School for Social Research, New York.
1998 (September 19) - Lecture on "The Culture of Fascism", Conference on the Occasion of George L. Mosse's 80th Birthday, Madison, Wisconsin.
1998 (September) - Scholar-in-Residence, The Foundation for Jewish Studies, Washington, D.C. (Lectured, among other places, at the Library of Congress, the Holocaust Museum, the German and Austrian Embassies, the World Bank/IMF, Georgetown University, Catholic University, George Washington University, University of Maryland, the Martin Luther King Library.)
1998 (August) - International Conference on "Jews and the Social and the Biological Sciences", Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, England. Paper: "Against Social Science: Jewishness, The Critique of Liberal- Bourgeois Modernity and the (Ambiguous) Legacy of Weimar Theory".
1998 (July 6) - "The Annual Hannah Arendt Lecture", on "Hannah Arendt and Daniel Goldhagen: Post-Holocaust Jewish Mirrorings of Germany" at the University of Bremen.
1998 (June 29 - July 3) - Visiting Lecturer, Department of History, University of Bielefeld. Public Lecture on "Archetypes and the German-Jewish Dialogue" and a graduate seminar on Culture and Catastrophe.
1998 (June 24) - Lecture on "The Goldhagen Affair" on the occasion of the publication of Geschichtswissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit, ed. J. Heil (Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Verlag, 1998)at the Brecht Berliner Ensemble, Berlin, Germany.
1998 (June 25) - Lecture on "Thinking German Jewry and German History Anew" at the Freie Universität, Berlin.
1998 (May 24th) - Lecture on "German History and German Jewry" at the Leo Baeck Institute Seminar of German and Israeli Historians on "Ideology and Historiography", Jerusalem.
1998 (January 14) - Lecture on "Jewish Intellectuals, Culture and the Weimar Republic" at the Museum of the Diaspora, Tel Aviv.
1997 (December) - Paper "On Saul Friedlander" at Conference celebrating the appearance of his new book Nazi Germany and the Jews, Van Leer, Jerusalem (Hebrew).
1997 (December) - Organizer of International Conference of the Koebner Centre for German History on "Hannah Arendt in Jerusalem". Paper on "Hannah Arendt in Jerusalem".
1997 (November) - Participant in Koebner Centre/Goethe Institute Colloquium on "Israel and the European Inheritance". Roundtable: "Israel: A European Product?"
1997 (November) - Conference of the International Center for Holocaust Studies, Jerusalem, Yad Vashem on: "Zionism, the Shoah and Zionist Policy". Paper on "German-Jewish Intellectuals, Nazism and the Holocaust, 1933-1952" (Hebrew).
1997 (October) - Lecture at the Centre for European Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. on "Rethinking German History and German Jewry".
1997 (October) - International Conference on "Representations of the Holocaust" at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Paper on "American, German and Israeli Receptions of Goldhagen's Hitler's Willing Executioners"
1997 (May) - International Conference on "Mirroring Germany: Imagination, Representation, Memory", at Tel Aviv University. Paper on "Post-Holocaust Mirrorings of Germany: Arendt and Goldhagen as Extreme Paradigms".
1997 (May) - Speaker at Panel on "The Goldhagen Polemic: What Shook the World" (Hebrew), Institute for the Study of the Holocaust, Bar Ilan University.
1997(May 12-15) - International Conference on "Genocide, Religion and Modernity", Washington D.C. Paper on: "Nietzsche, Anti-Christianity and Other Theories of Genocide".
1997 (May 3-5) - International Conference of Center of Interdisciplinary Research, University of Bielefeld on "Apocalypse". Paper on "Apocalyptic Thinking and the Radical Jewish Revival in the Weimar Republic". [Invited - unable to attend.]
1997 (April) - Participant in Jerusalem Leo Baeck Institute Roundtable on "Hannah Arendt: Jewishness, German Culture and Nazism".
1997 (April) - Lecture at seminar devoted to Brothers and Strangers Reconsidered (fifteeen years after its publication) at Università Degli Studi Della Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy.
1997 (March) - External Examiner of Ph.D on Martin Buber at St. Johns College, Oxford University.
1997 (January) - International Conference on "Integrating Jewish and European History", Jerusalem. Paper on "German History and German Jewry: Boundaries, Junctions and Interdependence", Jerusalem.
1996 (November 26-28) - Int. Conference on "German Antisemitism Reconsidered", Paper on "Archetypes and the German-Jewish Dialogue: Reflections Occasioned by the Goldhagen Affair." Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
1996 (October 21-23) - International Conference on "Anti-Semitism, Paganism and Völkisch Religion", Jerusalem. Paper on: "Nietzschean Neo-Pagan Religions in Germany, 1890-1945".
1996 (April 19th) - Princeton University, History Symposium on "Scholars, Madmen and Luftmenschen: German Jews between Bildung and Breakdown". Paper on "Hermann Broch and the Limits of German-Jewish Dialogue".
1996 (April 11-13) - "History and Memory": Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference. Society for the Humanities, Public Lecture: "New Directions and Issues in Holocaust Historiography".
1995 (December) - University of Pennsylvania conference on "Hannah Arendt: Between Europe and the United States", "Culture, Nazism and The Origins of Totalitarianism: Hannah Arendt and the Discourse of Evil".
1995 (November) - Paper on "Jewish Apocalyptic Thinking and the Weimar Republic", Seminar on Messianism, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.
1995 (October) - Paper on "The Limits of the German-Jewish Dialogue: The Correspondence of Hermann Broch and Volkmar von Zuehlsdorff (1945-1949)" at International symposium on "1945-1995: The Changing Faces of German Studies", University of Colorado, Boulder.
1995 (September) - Paper on "Nietzsche, Antisemitism and the Holocaust" at International Conference on "Juedischer Nietzscheanismus", Ernst Moritz Arndt University, Greifswald, Germany [invited - unable to attend].
1995 (June) - International Conference on "Women and the Holocaust", The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Respondent.
1995 (June) - Paper on "Nietzsche and the German Radical Right, 1914-1933" at International Conference on "Radical Conservatism", University of Lund, Sweden
1995 (May) - Paper on " Nazism and the Holocaust in Western and Israeli Discourse" at International Conference on "National Socialism - 50 Years After", Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
1995 (April) - Paper on "George Mosse and the Integration of European and Jewish History" at International Consultation on "Integration of Jewish History into Modern History Curricula" Project, sponsored by the Israel Historical Society and others.
1995 (January) - Lecture on "Nietzsche, Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust", Colloquium, Tel Aviv University.
1994 (October 7th-8th) - "Thinking the Nietzsche Legacy Today - A Historian's Perspective", International Conference on "Nietzsche Today", New York University.
1993 (October) - "Hannah Arendt and Karl Jaspers: The German-Jewish Dialogue as Personal Event", International Conference on "The German-Jewish Dialogue: Two Centuries of a Non-Event?", Madison, Centre for Humanities, University of Wisconsin.
1993 (June) - Annual Lecture of the Chair for the Study of Prussian Jewry at Bar-Ilan University on "German Jews Beyond Liberalism and Bildung - The Case of Weimar Culture and Jewish Radicalism".
1992 (July) - "Max Nordau, Friedrich Nietzsche and Degeneration", at the International Conference on Max Nordau: Parisian Writer, German Philosopher, Zionist Activist (sponsored by the Universities of Paris; Maison des Sciences de l'Homme and the City of Paris.)
1992 (June) - Paper on "Leaders and Masses: Fin-de-Siecle Elitist Theory and the Rise of Mass Society" within the framework of the Open University Seminar on "Leadership".
1990 (June) - Paper on "Nietzsche and the German Radical Right, 1914-1933" at the International Talmon Conference on "Intellectuals and Anti-Democracy", Jerusalem.
1989 (December) - Paper on "Nietzsche and National Socialism" on "Fascism - National Socialism - Antisemitism" Bar-Ilan University.
1988 (November) - Paper on "Migration and the Formation of German-Jewish Identity, 1800-1880" in Conference on Jewish Migration under the auspices of the Jewish Museum and the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen.
1987 (November) - Participant in Leo Baeck Institute Conference on "Deutsch-juedische Geschichte: Zur Entwicklung der historischen Forschung und Darstellung seit 1945" at Schloss Ringberg, Tegersee.
1987 (April) - Paper on "Atrocity, Intellectual History and the German Sonderweg", at R. Koebner Chair of German History Conference, Hebrew University, Jerusalem on "The German Sonderweg".
1986 (April) - Paper on "Regeneration, Nietzschean Socialism and Worker's Culture" at Conference on "Worker's Culture in Germany and Israel", Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
1986 (March) - Lecture on "New Approaches to Historical Study of Anti-Semitism", Lewis and Clark College, Portland, Oregon.
1986 (March) - Delivered two lectures: "Vienna: Harbinger of Creativity and Catastrophe"; "Herzl, Jews and Other Viennese" at Northwest Institute of Jewish Studies Conference on "The Vienna of Herzl and Freud", Portland, Oregon.
1986 (March) - Delivered two guest lectures at University of Washington, Seattle: "Nietzsche Reception and the Nietzsche Myth" (to the German Colloquium); "Jewish Intellectuals and Fin-de-Siecle Vienna" (History and Jewish Studies Colloquia).
1985 (June) - Retirement proceedings of Prof G. Mosse from the Hebrew University. Lecture on "George Mosse - The Man and the Work".
1983 (October) - Paper on "Judentum and Deutschtum as a Form of Discourse" at International Conference on "German Jews and German Culture", Worcester, Mass.
1983 (July) - Delivered Paper on "Secular Religion and Totalitarian Ideology", Historical Society of Israel Conference on "State and Religion", Jerusalem.
1981 (December) - Delivered paper on: "The Battle for Eastern Jewry: German Jewry and Germany's World War I Ostpolitik" in Symposium on "Jewish Politics and the West European Powers in the Twentieth Century: Germany, France, Italy", at 96th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, Los Angeles, Calif.
1981 (April) - Delivered paper on "The Old and the New in German Anti-Semitism", at Conference on "Cross-Cultural Studies and `Human Nature'", State University of Kansas, Wichita, Kansas.
1981 (March) - Keynote address to Jewish Historical Society of Oregon Conference: "The Tradition of Memory in non-traditional times: a modern dilemma", Portland, Or.
1980 (October) - Inaugural Lecture of Florence T. May Professorship of Jewish Studies, Reed College: "Jewish Studies in the Secular Context", Portland, Oregon.

Other Educational and Research Experience

Over the years have given many public lectures to lay audiences in the USA, Europe and Israel on topics related to my work and publications.
1973-75 Curriculum Director and Education Coordinator of Kiriat Moriah, the central educational institution of the Jewish Agency in Israel.
1971-73 Taught at the Institute for Youth Leaders from Abroad, Jerusalem.
1968-75 Taught at the Arad Graduate Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies.
1969-70 Researcher and writer for the Encyclopaedia Judaica (in section devoted to Contemporary Jewry).
1968-70 Researcher in international project on "Post-War Jewish Community Reconstruction".