Received his PhD from Stanford University in 2011. His first book, an intellectual biography of the renowned Kabbalah Jewish German and Israeli scholar Gershom Scholem, is scheduled for publication with university of Chicago Press. Currently he is a research fellow at the Martin Buber Professur für Jüdische Religionsphilosophie, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main. His current project seeks entails a survey of postwar German-Jewish literature.
Gershom Scholem: an Intellectual Biography, Chicago University press, Forthcoming.
Renewal in the Shadow of the Catastrophe: Martin Buber, Hannah Arendt, and Paul Celan in Germany, German Studies Review, Forthcoming
Jacob Taubes, From Cult to Culture. Eds. Amir Engel and Charlotte Fonrobert, Stanford University Press, 2010, 445 pp.
“Gershom Scholem’s ‘Kabbalah and Myth’ Beyond German Jewish Romanticism,” (in German), Gershom Scholem in Deutschland: Zwischen Seelenverwandtschaft und Sprachlosigkeit, Eds. Matthias Morgenstern and Gerold Necker, Mohr Siebeck, (in press).
“Above the Abyss and Away: Barbara Honigmann, Gershom Scholem and German Jewish Culture after the Holocaust,” (in German), Weimarer Beiträge, (in press).
“Reading Gershom Scholem in Context: Salomon Maimon’s and Gershom Scholem’s German Jewish Discourse on Jewish Mysticism,” New German Critique, 121, Winter 2014.